19, 14, 14, 8,19 9,13,16,12. they when make them in order.
like this: 6,8,9,12,13,14,19,19,19,14,24
now we have to gusse what is the:
Now we gusse what is the mode. The answer for the mode was 19 beacause there 3 19 in the number. Next we have to gusse what was the mid. what you have to do is there is 11 numbers and we have count untill we get in the middell.so the answer is 14. now we count all toghter and it leave us 14.45 so that how you do Statisics.
That is very interesting maths to me Genevieve as I don't get it. But good for you that you understand how to do it. Keep it up. Maybe oneday you'll explain it to me, aye? hahaaa.