Today in kiwi can, our topic was integrity, today we were talking about our feelings and emotions. Feelings, Feelings is where you have to show your feeling to say how you feel.(explane: i was sick) i show how i was feeling, after talking about our feeling. we went in to peers and the game was called musical statues, frist we got into our peers then after that there one leader showing what emotion that we have to do (explane: Sad) Then theres one kid who have to show you what to do. after like 2 miuntes the leader will say if you are showing that emotions. After that one game we moved into our next active. Our next active was we have to get in 5 or 6 gourps, then a leader will pick a emotins that you and your gourp have to do, after our last game we went to class. We had so much fun!!